Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sweet! and Post #100!

I just noticed that this will be my 100th post, wow!  This blog is as close to diary (as in daily log, not innermost secrets) as I've ever really gotten, and I'm going to love having it to show to my kids someday.

Anyway, Sunday night I couldn't sleep (my kitty cat Luna seemed to have a tummy ache, and so I was worried about her. I also had a lot of caffeine a little too late in the day), so I took a virtual stroll on over to google reader and found...that I'd won an award!  :-D

Danielle, aka the Dizzle, of Just About Anywhere blog, awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award:

I'm tickled, this is great!
Okay, so we're supposed to answer questions, so here's my answers:

1. Thank and link back the person who awarded you:  Thanks, Danielle!!  I hope you are feeling much better, too. 
2. Share 7 things about yourself:
  1. Blast from the past...a few weeks ago when I was reading Threads magazine, I came across a byline of a pattern review written by my early childhood best friend's mother.  We fell out of touch when I was still in elementary school, I think.
  2. First word that comes to mind when thinking about my life: exploring (or learning).
  3. Helpful advice I live by, this is from my dad: when deciding between two or more things, if the decision is that difficult, it probably doesn't matter which one you choose (just go ahead and pick one already!).  This goes along with another tidbit of advice from my dad: you don't have to decide what to do for the rest of your life, you just have to decide what to do next.
  4. I also try to live by the idea that life is short (and you don't know how long it will be); we only get one so don't waste the time you've got.
  5. I've hiked up half dome in Yosemite twice, and despite the crowds, it is my favorite hike.
  6. I am interested in Jungian dream analysis.
  7. I had 14 teeth pulled, braces for 7 years, a gum graft, and...gasp...head gear.  All for my crooked teeth.  But now I don't wear a retainer (like I should).
3. Award recently discovered great bloggers. I am going to pass the award onto:

Elegant Designs by Candice Louise.  She is most definitely stylish!  Check out her posts on her Operation Dream Dress submission. 

I reserve the right to make more awards in the future!  :-D
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award... Will do!


Lee said...

Congratulations on both the 100th post and the award!! And I know it's off the topic of dressmaking, but thanks for sharing your dad's advice about making decisions. (I continually struggle with making the big ones.) I may print his words of wisdom out and tack them up on my wall!

IowaHoodlum said...

Thanks Lelia! Now I wish I had tried to be more eloquent when relating my dad's advice! Maybe he'll make a comment here.... :-)

the dizzle said...

yeah i like your dad's advice a lot!! what a cool dad you must have.