To begin, here's kitty cat helping me with my lining muslin:
All right, so tomorrow I am leaving for Iowa, and since my last online sewing class chat is next Thursday, I wanted to get as much as possible done so that I can ask all my questions.
So, in 15 hours, here is what I did:
Put the boning in my foundation and tried it on. I'm feeling pretty happy with it! It's super comfortable and I've pretty well fixed the fit issues. I need to read up on how to sew smooth princess seams, though. But I will do that another day.
Took apart the lining muslin and took out the "swayback" dart in 6 of the 7 pieces.
Reassembled the lining muslin and tried it on. You can see I didn't manage to tuck in all of the top seam allowances, I'm trusting you to use your imagination - just picture a nice smooth top edge. :-)
Made all of the alterations from the fitting and from the swayback adjustment on the dress muslin.
Used those pieces to trace and cut an overdress muslin. Somehow I have used pretty much all of the 25 or so yards of muslin I purchased (one was 15 yards by 108"!!). So I had to do some rough piecing with some bits to get the train all together. My reasoning is to make sure it will fit and to practice with the bustling. To accommodate needed extra room, I added about 1/8 inch to the seams in the dress circumference from about the hip up to the top edge of the dress. I might change this if needed.
I then reassembled the dress muslin.
Tomorrow I need to assemble the overdess muslin, insert zippers in both, try on the whole dress, and then experiment with bustling. I also need to pack for Iowa and clean my apartment. So, I would have tried to stay up longer to get more done tonight, but I'm tired!
Free Pattern Friday: Duffle Bag
5 days ago
Wow I can't believe your going to make your own wedding dress! Thats fantastic. It looks great, I usually don't like strappless but it suits you a lot. Can't wait to see more.
Thanks so much! I am taking a little break right, now, I'm still hoping to lose a few pounds. But we'll see about that. Today I am working on some tulle pompoms for the receptions decorations.
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